Thursday, November 20, 2008

Jake's OTHER entertainment

I'm telling you....the boy likes to read. In fact, one of the first things Jake does in the morning is pull all of his books out of his Thomas the Train backpack (as you can see in the picture), and usually by morning naptime, we have already read ALL of them. About now is when I'm wishing I would have left some more toys in VA and just brought ALL of his books instead. I can pretty much recite from memory any book you can see on this floor! I love reading to him, though....because it's the ONLY time he sits still on my lap (well, when we're reading and when I am holding a bottle)! Jake usually goes back through and reads them again on his own, too! A lot of times....he tries to EAT them, but.....his mean mommy stops him from doing that! He seems to like chewing chunks of PAPER from his books more than he likes chunks of spaghetti and meatballs!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is SO sweet. I have a few stories in my memory bank as well! :)