Sunday, July 24, 2011

30-Day Shred

If you have ever done/seen/heard of Jillian Michael's 30-day Shred work-out DVD, you will especially appreciate this video. The boys have been doing 30-day shred with me in the mornings (with their play weights). It is even to the point where I didn't do it the other morning, and Jake out of nowhere said, "Mommy, we need to do 30-day shred" :-) Nothing like having your 3-year old hold you accountable. Along with all of his other talents (yes, this is his Mom typing), Jake should lead a work-out DVD, because he loves to show off all of the exercises from 30-day shred ... and thankfully, he was willing to put it on video for all of us to view :-) Enjoy. It's a riot!

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