Monday, February 22, 2010


YAY for sunshine :-) It was especially nice that it decided to come out this weekend, b/c Chris worked both days (and was on duty yesterday), so it was great to be able to get outside with the boys. Cole enjoyed the bjorn (which is just the best piece of baby gear - ever)!!
The 3 of us went for a walk down the street ..... Jake loves the "man holes" (or whatever they are called).
For those of you who have ever been around Jake know exactly what he is saying, "WHAT'S THAT?!?!" I told him it was a rock .... and he threw it (typical boy)!
Yes, this is Jake who was running down the street and then - ON PURPOSE - FELL on the pavement in front of the "man hole" - PURPOSELY! Why?!
Playing a little baseball ....

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