Wednesday, January 4, 2012

My 2 year old...

Cole BABY is not quite a baby anymore (tear tear). In just a few short hours, he turns 2. 2!!! The joy that boy has brought to our lives the past 2 years is indescribable. What a beyond wonderful blessing he is! I never knew a little person could move around so much and have so much energy.... and even though I haven't slept past about 6am since he was born, I wouldn't trade a second of it. His evolving personality is so FUN ... and lately, he is saying more and more words, which is exciting, too - since we were wondering when that would happen (I think his older brother just normally answers for him) :-) I am thankful every day for this precious face and full of life boy!
Here is a video I shot this morning at breakfast - trying to get him to talk a little bit :-) Happy Birthday Cole Baby! You will always be Cole Baby to us. We love you - and can't wait to celebrate you tomorrow!!!

1 comment:

melissaraineri said...

Can't believe he is TWO!! Time flies. He is so cute! I love all of his words!