Monday, December 7, 2009

New Place for Books!

We are very fortunate, b/c Jake has A LOT of books....and the even better part is he LOVES to read - all of them!!  He will just sit down and turn the pages and read 15-20 books at a time ..... and I'm not exaggerating.  Plus, he loves for ME to read to him - and not only at nap and before bedtime!  The unfortunate thing is that the books just ended up being EVERYWHERE, so we ordered a cute bookcase to store the books.  It came in today - and I put it together during his nap - and he was very excited when he woke up :-)  At first, he thought it was something to climb on, but once he realized it was for his books, he helped me put the books ON the bookcase :-)  The hard part was finding a PLACE for the bookcase (we obviously aren't keeping it in front of the closet), but I needed to wait until Chris got home to help me move it...

1 comment:

MN Mom said...

How wonderful that he loves books...nothing better than books!!! And what a fun bookshelf! He is such a great is fun hearing about his life. :)