So, we are still unpacking and organizing. Well, not at this very moment, since I'm taking a moment to blog and enjoy some coffee. Chris started back this week, so it has just been the boys and me. I've had to balance the unpacking with some outdoor time as well - it's good for both the boys and me ... and plus, it has been BEAUTIFUL, even slightly chilly, which I guess I can't complain, since it's supposed to be back in the 90s next week. Plus, it's really hard unpacking boxes and staring outside at the beautiful, gorgeous sunshine that is just calling your name. HOWEVER, I do have the kitchen completely finished, which feels nice - and the boys' room is almost completely done as well, so we are really making lots of progress. The kitchen is always a big job ... trying to unwrap everything, wash it, and put it in its proper place, so that felt like a BIG accomplishment, especially after seeing the astronomical amount of paper that was used to wrap the dishes.....BUT only 1 glass was broken out of all of my dishes (and it wasn't even an important glass), so the packers can wrap away, if that's what it takes. Here are some pictures from this week ....
Look at all of that paper .... that was just for half of the china.

AND.... here are some videos.
Playing in the paper. Oh, the joys of being 1 and 3!
Enjoying the playground together! They really are interacting more and more together. I love that about them both being boys and being close in age. Such fun!
In case you are still reading .... I'll leave you with one last "Jake story". While we were at the playground the other day, he wanted to race laps around it (he's really into racing and tag, too - along with hide-n-seek). Well, after he did the whole "on your mark, get set, go" .... he leaned over and gave me a push. I said, "Jake, that's not really nice. You know you aren't supposed to push people." Inwardly, I thought it was somewhat clever that he was trying to slow me down to get a head start - not fair, yet clever, but Jake said, "I wasn't pushing you, I was CRASHING you.... like lightning McQueen." :-) He had failed to inform me that we were race cars racing - ha! That boy and his imagination. It gets me every day. I love it! Alright, well.... better get back to some more laundry and organizing.... and sunshine!
*not sure why the spacing is all messed up in this blog .... and don't have time to figure it out :-)
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