Sunday, November 15, 2009

Marine Corps Ball

Last night was the Marine Corps Ball.  Chris and I are 2 for 6 when it comes to the Balls.  The first one, he was coaching sprint football in Annapolis and had a game, the second we were driving across country moving to CA, the third he was in Iraq, the fourth we went to the Ball in Vegas (and I was pregnant with Jake), the fifth Chris was just getting back from Iraq and we were driving back across country moving to SC, and the 6th was last night (and I'm pregnant with Cole).  Here are a few pictures from the evening....

We tried to get one with Jake, but he was WAY too interested in Daddy's medals to care about looking at the camera...
Our table....
My friend Valerie and me (she just had a baby 3 weeks ago).
It was really nice, b/c Mom and Aunt Beverly came down for an extended weekend and stayed with Jake last night while Chris and I enjoyed the night out.  It has been lots of fun having them here - and Jake (as always) is enjoying all of the attention.  


Kate said...

Allison, you look absolutely beautiful! & Chris you look sharp too! I'm glad y'all had a good time, can't wait to see you next week!!!

Ringmaster said...

Aw, you look so great!!!