Friday, September 18, 2009

Guitar Playing...

Chris bought a guitar a few months back on ebay (just a $50 guitar), b/c he is wanting to learn how to his "free-time" (haha)!  Anyway, my guess is that JAKE is going to teach himself how to play before Chris :-)  Here is Jake playing some tunes (and singing) this morning, but unfortunately, my memory card ran out right at the beginning, so....I only got about 5's still hilarious!  (oh, and sorry mom...I hadn't made my bed - ooops)!! :-)  


MN Mom said...

I love your message to your mom hates it when I don't make our bed!!! Great video...he is such a cute kid! :)

Kate said...

I'm glad Jake has progressed from just standing on the guitar and using it for his stage...