Well, Santa Claus did come :-) It's so much FUN on Christmas morning with the boys. It was Cole's first Christmas, and I love that he is almost a year old for it and can really react some to what is taking place (even if it means he just walks around in amazement like, "what is going on?"). Jake is at an especially FUN age - but I think he, too, was a little overwhelmed at the beginning.... in a good way. What a fun and special day we had!

The note Santa left for Jake and Cole on Jake's new easel.

Jake checking it out....

Opening his stocking.... "wow - a toothbrush"!!!!!

And spider man underwear!!

Yay, Chuggington Cars! How did Santa know?!

Cole is looking at his car in his stocking....

and walking to his new turtle Santa left for him....

Aunt Jenn helping Jake bounce on his new bouncy ball....

Yay - big boy!!

Cole sitting in his new chair from Aunt Jenn. Now, they both have a chair with their name on it!!

Jake, of course, had to give the turtle a try.... :-)

Hungry Hungry Hippos game from Aunt Becky!

JMU sweatsuit from Aunt Jenn....

Opening more presents....

A BOZ book from Santa!

Cole trying out the markers for the easel....

A CARS game for his smart cycle!

Oh, Cole.... you will look so stylish ;-)

Cole trying to sit in HIS chair.... even though Jake was taking a turn :-)

Cole taking it alllll in

Very Hungry Caterpillar.....

A soccer ball from Aunt Katy!!!!!

Cole taking a look....

Jake's very own digital camera, compliments of Santa!

Cole deciding if he wants to open or just climb on that box....

A Thomas track.... :-)

More presents....

It was a Naval Academy sweatsuit....

"Thank you Aunt Jenn", accompanied by a big hug (who says kids can't like clothes)?!

A recorded book from Nana and Grandad

A stand and play from Mom-Mom and Pap-Pap!!!

A teeter-totter from Aunt Katy and Aunt Becky.... FUN stuff!

Cole probably WILL be catapulted from that at some point ;-)

A TRUCK from Gram and Poppy! Watch out world..... here they come!

Getting ready to play hungry hungry hippos....

Helping Cole with his sit 'n spin from Aunt Becky....

Cole doing a little reading....

Jake LOOOOVED playing this!

Taking the truck for a spin....

learning to steer....


Oooops, get out of the neighbors yard......

Playing with Poppy....

Playing blocks with his block table from Santa

After lunch and about to sing happy birthday to Jesus....

The snickers ice cream cake :-)

Singing Happy Birthday....

Blowing out the candle....

More Playing....

Cole taking a turn....

Enjoying the out doors!!


Daddy doesn't mess around ;-)

Some more hungry hungry hippos....

This is the video of Jake walking out from his room. I think he was a little overwhelmed at first ..... I think he was mostly confused, because we moved the furniture around to make more room - and with Jake being a creature of habit, I think he was wondering what/why we did that. It didn't take him long to warm up, though, and start barreling through the gifts....
Fun on the teeter totter from Aunt Becky and Aunt Katy!
Seeing the truck for the first time that Gram and Poppy got Jake and Cole! Very, very exciting!!
Playing the Hungry Hungry Hippos game! Jake loooooved this - and even thanked God for it before Christmas meal :-) (along with all of us at the table and his favorite foods: Pizza Hut, Chick-fil-A, and Moe's) .... wish I had THAT on video!
Riding the truck outside.... BEFORE really learning to steer!
bouncing around on his bouncy ball....
What a memorable Christmas we had .... and I feel blessed above and beyond!